Bergstrom Real Estate Center Advisory Board

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Justin Sand, Epoch Residential’s President and COO, was nominated and accepted into the Bergstrom Real Estate Center Advisory Board at the University of Florida in the Spring of 2018. The board works to advance the quality and visibility of the University’s real estate degree programs and as of 2006 the Center and Master of Science in Real Estate were both endowed.

To show his support for the program, Justin invited a student to the Epoch Residential home office for a day of job shadowing. Shane was able to experience three different roles, seeing firsthand the variety of responsibilities. During his time with Justin, he learned about site selection and process improvement.  Matthew Sand, Development Manager, gave Shane the opportunity to experience multiple projects in various stages of development within different municipalities. Shane also got a glimpse of client and partner management during a few conference calls hosted by our Chief Investment Officer, McCarley Davis.

The Epoch team enjoyed sharing their work with Shane and looks forward to hosting more students from the real estate program.

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