Epoch & Communities Earn Awards

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Earlier this month Grace Hill announced the 2022 Kingsley Excellence Award winners and Epoch has three communities amongst the winners!

Congratulations to…

  • The Lofts at Uptown
  • The Oaks at Southlake Commons
  • The Oaks on the Lake

As a reminder, to earn the award, a community’s Overall Satisfaction as a resident score must exceed The Kingsley Index, which is the most comprehensive performance benchmarking database in the real estate industry, and consists of responses from over 6 million prospects and residents surveyed annually.

In addition to community awards, the Kingsley Excellence Award program is being expanded this year to also include a new category for company performance, the KingsleySurveys Elite Five. This category recognizes the five top-performing multifamily companies within each of Grace Hill’s three client tiers for KingsleySurveys and Epoch is one of the winners!

Epoch is in the Top 5 for companies with less than 10,000 units in their portfolio. Read the full press release here.

Congrats to all who helped us achieve this great honor!

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